Let's Communicate Baby !

Communication (from Latin "communis", meaning to share) is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behaviour. We as adults can communicate effectively by the tool, the so-called language. But, how about the babies who have no language. Let us peek in and learn how the babies communicate intelligently. 

Communication in Infants.

Crying is the universal language of newborn.

It's their way of telling you what they need. Baby could cry for seeking attention because of a soiled nappy, hunger, excretion or a simple need for comfort. Babies also use their sight and hearing to interpret the world around them. To say "I care about you" :

** Maintain eye contact until baby looks away
** Smile while you look at your baby
** Use a warm, (sing-song type) voice 

The following body language provides you clues for your understanding:

** Yawns, puts fists to eyes, drowsy eyes, sleepy blinks -- 'I am sleepy'
** Open mouth -- 'I am hungry'.
** Wide-open eyes with alert body movements -- 'I am ready to play and learn'.
** Head turned away or arched back -- 'No, thanks'

How about communication with Toddlers ?

Toddlers are slightly grown up babies and so they keenly listen to every word we say (even if we don't notice it). They understand a lot more than we think. They can be very sensitive and  burst into tears at the way you said something or laughed at them. 

As toddlers are in the stage of trying to say words or phrase, their major communication would be a mix of few words and more actions. 

It can be very difficult for toddlers to make you heard or understand who can't fully express themselves. It can lead to lots of frustration. To help your toddler handle and express big emotions, you can try following things :

** Help your child put feelings into words, and talk through any angry feelings

** Stay calm, even when your child is upset -  this demonstrates positive ways to handle big feelings

** Prepare your child for situations that might be upsetting - for example, times when your child might have to be separated from you

** Create a low-risk environment for your child to explore, be independent and make mistakes.


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